Pet Portrait (Step 2) - 50% Final Payment


Pet Portrait (Step 2) - 50% Final Payment

from $200.00

Your painting is complete and will be shipped once this final payment is made.

Once you proceed to checkout there is a form to fill out where you can send along all the information needed. Feel free to contact us anytime with questions.

(Reminder, total prices as below)

Prices are based on head and shoulders of one pet on a simple colored background. One additional pet may be added for an additional 50% surcharge.

Small—14 x 14 inches (or 12 x 16) $400

Medium—16 x 16 inches (or 14 x 18 inches) $500

Large—20 x 20 inches $600

Extra Large—24 x 24 inches $800

Ultimate—30 x 40 inches $1200

Other sizes available—just ask!

Thank you for your patronage!

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